299-carat diamond from Cullinan fetches US$12m

Mar 8, 2021
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A 299.3-carat diamond unearthed from the legendary Cullinan diamond mine by Petra Diamonds Ltd has sold to Stargems DMCC for US$12.18 million.

The exceptional Type IIA gem-quality white diamond was recovered in in January 2021. 

Richard Duffy, CEO of Petra Diamonds, said, “This is another significant sale for Petra Diamonds, following the sale of the Letlapa Tala Collection in November 2020, and a further endorsement of the quality of the Cullinan ore body, which is known for its exceptional stones.”

This diamond mined from Cullinan is the latest addition to a list of most famous diamonds originating from the historic mine. The diamond achieved a price of US$40,701 per carat, which exceeds the US$34,386 per carat received for the 424.89-carat “Legacy of the Cullinan Diamond Mine” in May 2019.


https://www.jewellerynet.com/en/jnanews/news/24187. March 8 , 2021.



299-carat diamond from Cullinan fetches US$12m

Mar 8, 2021
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A 299.3-carat diamond unearthed from the legendary Cullinan diamond mine by Petra Diamonds Ltd has sold to Stargems DMCC for US$12.18 million.

The exceptional Type IIA gem-quality white diamond was recovered in in January 2021. 

Richard Duffy, CEO of Petra Diamonds, said, “This is another significant sale for Petra Diamonds, following the sale of the Letlapa Tala Collection in November 2020, and a further endorsement of the quality of the Cullinan ore body, which is known for its exceptional stones.”

This diamond mined from Cullinan is the latest addition to a list of most famous diamonds originating from the historic mine. The diamond achieved a price of US$40,701 per carat, which exceeds the US$34,386 per carat received for the 424.89-carat “Legacy of the Cullinan Diamond Mine” in May 2019.


https://www.jewellerynet.com/en/jnanews/news/24187. March 8 , 2021.



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