Thai Gem & Jewelry Industry

Business Information

Establishing Gem and Jewelry Business in Thailand

Gem and jewelry industry generates an average revenue of nearly one trillion baht to Thailand. The industry employs more than 1 million workers throughout its supply chain. Thailand has an advantage of being a source with constant inflow of diversified raw materials from producing countries. Furthermore, Thai diamond and colored stone lapidaries and jewelry craftsmen are highly regarded in the international markets. Therefore, Thai gem and jewelry products have been globally renowned in the global market. Consequently, both Thai and foreign operators have been drawn to establish their gem and jewelry businesses in Thailand.

Dec 22, 2020

Thailand’s Import and Export Procedures for Gem and Jewelry

The importer must submit the import entry declaration and other related documents to the customs officer at the port of entry for customs clearance. The entire process, including duty payment, is now in the digital system and can be done by the importer, by a shipping agent or through a service counter.

Oct 30, 2020

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140 ITF Tower Building, 4th Floor,<br> Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, <br>Bangkok10500, Thailand
Phone: (662) 634-4999 ext 444
Fax: (662) 634-4970